
Monday, 10 December 2018

SLJ Cybersmart

This Week on last Week of the term I have learnt that Australias school time starts at 9 am and the end of the school at 3:30 pm. Australia terms are 4 and 9 to 11 week in a term. Australian summer vacation for the student is from December. there is 18 student class and there are about six computers per classroom. The student is spending about 12 hours a week to work on Math or English.
and that's what I learn this week
thank you.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Passion Project math craft string art

This week on math craft we were doing string art and it was really cool. I did this with my group, we have to to get an equipment so we can design and make an art on a wood Also, our equipment was hammer string nail and 50 cm wood. 

Reflection of Cybersmart

This year what did we do and what did we learn in Cybersmart.
I learn in Cybersmart is write the right word if I was searching on google.
My favourite thing in Cybersmart this year was writing my information about me to Emma.
Something  I really didn't enjoy was nothing.
Something my Cybersmart teacher did well was fun thing to do if I finished my blog.